
Givex has launched GivexEngageAI, an advanced AI platform that helps companies strengthen customer relationships through data-driven profiling and targeted engagement campaigns. This platform combines a real-time customer data platform (CDP), AI decision making, omnichannel activation, gamification and customer intelligence in a single solution.

GivexEngageAI creates detailed 360° customer profiles based on customer interactions with a business, such as loyalty accounts, average purchases and transaction data. These profiles provide businesses with a complete picture of their customers and help transform anonymous visitors into loyal guests. The comprehensive profiles lay the foundation for intelligent, automated campaigns that run across multiple channels, from push notifications to text messages. The AI-powered recommendations are based on purchase history and similar customer profiles, ensuring relevant and personalised communication.

The platform provides automated engagement that maximises marketing potential, enabling companies to better predict, recommend and effectively communicate with customers. By using data from every transaction, GivexEngageAI enables companies to instantly launch coordinated omnichannel customer journeys across multiple built-in channels. Companies can easily select the required channels and expand them as needed.

One of the key benefits of GivexEngageAI is its ability to optimise segmentation and marketing automation. The platform provides powerful recommendations and helps win back abandoned shopping carts through automated, targeted and personalised communications. This ensures a seamless customer experience across all channels, keeping customers coming back.

In addition, the platform is flexible and scalable, meaning businesses can adapt it to their growing needs without limitations in integration options. This makes it possible to work with different service providers and benefit from a wide range of features, such as loyalty programmes, gift cards and payment solutions.

With offices worldwide and more than 132,000 active trading locations, Givex sets the standard for how technology companies serve, communicate and respond to their customers. GivexEngageAI is a powerful tool for companies looking to deepen customer relationships and increase sales through personalised and data-driven marketing campaigns.