Real CDP

Real CDP is a standard used by the CDP Institute has been formulated and which a CDP system must meet in order to be allowed to call itself that. The conditions are: 1. record data from any source 2. record all details of data 3. store data indefinitely
4. Unified profiles of identified individuals 5. Ability to share data with any system and 6. Deliver and process new data and profile requests in real time. We try to take this characterization into account in our comparison, although there are also many other things that we believe are essential for a CDP.

Listings in Real CDP

Real CDP is a standard used by the CDP Institute has been formulated and which a CDP system must meet in order to be allowed to call itself that. The prerequisites are: 1. Capture data from any source 2. Capture all details of data 3. Store data indefinitely 4. Unified profiles of identified individuals 5. Be able to share data with any system and 6. Deliver new data and profile requests in real time and process. We try to take this characterization into account in our comparison, although there are also many other things that we believe are essential for a CDP.